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Easy Snake Drawing for Kids In 2023

Snake Drawing – Are you captivated by the mystique and allure of snakes? Do you possess a desire to express your fascination through art? If so, snake drawing might be the perfect artistic outlet for you. In this captivating article, we delve into the mesmerizing realm of snake illustrations, presenting you with the inspiration and techniques necessary to craft breathtaking artworks inspired by serpents. Whether you possess vast artistic experience or are embarking on a fresh creative journey, this guide serves as a key to unlocking your artistic potential and imbuing these sinuous creatures with life on the canvas.

1. Introduction: The Fascination with Snake Drawing

Throughout history, snakes have been revered and feared, symbolizing both danger and wisdom. The intricate patterns and graceful movements of these creatures make them fascinating subjects for artists. Snake drawing allows you to capture their essence, exploring their sinuous forms and intricate details while expressing your artistic vision.


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2. Materials Needed for Snake Drawing

To embark on your snake drawing journey, you’ll need a few essential materials. These include:

  • Drawing paper or sketchbook
  • A diverse selection of pencil grades, including 2B, 4B, and 6B, expands the spectrum of shading techniques, opening up a realm of limitless artistic possibilities.
  • Erasers (kneaded erasers work well for shading and blending)
  • Fine-tipped pens or markers for outlining
  • Reference photos or live snake models (if available)
  • Optional: Coloured pencils, pastels, or watercolors for adding color to your drawings
Snake Drawing
Snake-Drawing (Part: 01)

3. Understanding Snake Anatomy: A Key to Realistic Drawings

Before diving into snake drawing, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with snake anatomy. Gaining insight into the composition of their bodies, scales, and facial characteristics will empower you to produce representations that are both realistic and precise. Study reference materials or observe snakes in real life to gain a deeper understanding of their unique characteristics.

4. Basic Snake Drawing Techniques

4.1 Sketching the Snake’s Outline

Begin by lightly sketching the basic shape of the snake using simple geometric forms. Pay attention to the overall posture, curvature, and proportions. Refine the outline as you progress, ensuring it captures the fluidity and grace of the snake.

Snake Drawing
Snake-Drawing (Part: 02)

4.2 Adding Details and Texture

After finalizing the outline, proceed to incorporate intricate elements into your artwork. Focus on the snake’s scales, eyes, and distinctive patterns. Use hatching, cross-hatching, or stippling techniques to simulate the texture and depth of the scales. Remember to observe the direction and arrangement of the scales for accurate representation.

4.3 Shading and Highlights

Shading is crucial for creating depth and volume in your snake drawing. Study the play of light and shadows on your reference material or live model. Use a range of values to depict the highlights, mid-tones, and shadows accurately. Gradually build up layers of shading to achieve a three-dimensional effect.

4.4 Creating Depth and Dimension

To make your snake drawing appear more lifelike, focus on creating depth and dimension. Use techniques like overlapping scales, foreshortening, and perspective to give your artwork a sense of realism. Experiment with different angles and positions to add visual interest and depth to your composition.

Snake Drawing
Snake-Drawing (Part: 03)

5. Exploring Different Snake Species

Snake drawing offers endless possibilities for exploring various snake species. Here are a few popular choices to inspire your artwork:

5.1 King Cobra

Known for its majestic hood and intimidating presence, the king cobra is a captivating subject for artists. Capture its regal posture, intricate scales, and piercing gaze in your drawings.

5.2 Ball Python

The ball python’s unique patterns and docile nature make it a favorite among snake enthusiasts. Focus on its beautifully contrasting colors and intricate markings when depicting this charming species.

Snake Drawing
Snake-Drawing (Part: 04)

5.3 Rattlesnake

Embodying a distinctive rattle and an unmistakable diamond-shaped head, the rattlesnake remains an enduring emblem of the untamed frontier that characterized the Wild West era. Emphasize its venomous fangs, coiled body, and vibrant patterns to create a striking representation.

5.4 Boa Constrictor

The boa constrictor’s powerful and muscular physique lends itself well to dynamic compositions. Capture its serpentine motion and textured scales to convey the strength and grace of this species.

6. Incorporating Backgrounds and Environments

While focusing on snake drawing, don’t forget to consider the environment in which your snake resides. Whether it’s a lush jungle, arid desert, or mysterious cave, the background and surroundings can enhance the narrative and visual impact of your artwork. Experiment with different compositions to find the perfect balance between the snake and its habitat.

Snake Drawing
Snake-Drawing (Part: 05)

7. Enhancing Your Snake Drawings with Colour

While snake drawing is often done in black and white, adding color can bring a new dimension to your artwork. Use colored pencils, pastels, or watercolors to carefully render the vibrant hues and patterns of different snake species. Choose a color palette that complements the snake’s natural colors or let your imagination run wild by experimenting with unconventional colors.

8. Adding Personal Style and Flair to Your Artworks

As you progress in your snake drawing skills, don’t be afraid to develop your unique style. Incorporate your personal flair by experimenting with different techniques, compositions, or exaggerating certain features. Let your creativity shine through and make your snake drawings truly distinctive.

9. Showcasing and Sharing Your Snake Drawings

After assembling a remarkable assortment of snake illustrations, the moment arrives to display your talent and disseminate your artwork to a global audience. Consider the following avenues for displaying and promoting your creations:

  • Create a portfolio website or blog to exhibit your snake drawings
  • Share your artwork on social media platforms and engage with fellow artists and enthusiasts
  • Participate in art competitions, exhibitions, or local galleries to gain recognition and exposure
Snake Drawing
Snake-Drawing (Part: 06)

10. Tips for Overcoming Challenges in Snake Drawing

Snake drawing can present its own set of challenges. Here are some valuable strategies to surmount these challenges:

  • Make it a habit to practice regularly, enhancing your skills and fostering a sense of self-assurance.
  • Break down complex snake anatomy into manageable parts for easier understanding
  • Seek feedback from fellow artists or join art communities for constructive critique and inspiration
  • Experiment with different drawing techniques and styles to find what works best for you.

11. Snake Drawing Promotes Creativity and Mindfulness

Engaging in snake drawing not only allows you to express your artistic abilities but also offers a meditative and mindful experience. While immersing yourself in the intricate details and flowing contours of the snake, a serene and tranquil ambiance envelops your senses. Embrace this creative journey as a form of self-expression and a means to find inner calm.


Snake drawing is an art form that combines fascination, creativity, and technical skill. By embracing the techniques and insights elucidated within this article, you can embark upon a transformative voyage of self-discovery and uninhibited artistic expression. So, pick up your pencils, embrace the serpentine world, and let your imagination slither onto the canvas.

Snake Drawing
Snake-Drawing (Part: 07)

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1. Can anyone learn snake drawing, even with no prior art experience?

Absolutely! The art of snake drawing is a skill that can be cultivated and honed through dedicated practice and the passage of time.. With practice and dedication, anyone can create impressive snake artwork.

2. Are there specific age restrictions for snake drawing?

No, snake drawing is suitable for artists of all ages. Whether you’re a child, teenager, adult, or senior, you can explore snake drawing as a creative endeavor.

3. Can I use digital tools for snake drawing?

Yes, digital tools such as graphic tablets and drawing software can be used for snake drawing. They offer additional features and flexibility, allowing you to experiment with different styles and techniques.

4. How long does it take to become proficient in snake drawing?

The time required to become proficient in snake drawing varies from person to person. With regular practice and dedication, you can see a noticeable improvement in your skills within a few months.

5. Can snake drawing be therapeutic?

Yes, snake drawing can be therapeutic and promote mindfulness. Engaging in snake drawing offers a chance to immerse oneself in meticulous details, unwind the mind, and discover a profound serenity amidst the creative journey.


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